And the gray. That endless gray. I've long grown tired of the dull, flat light from day after day of the lifeless, listless gray skies. It makes me hunker over figuratively, if not literally, and leaves me feeling like I need to flip a light switch on or maybe just crawl back into bed and pull the blankets up tight to wait for the sun and for our famous Colorado blue skies. Of course, that won't do. I'm not the kind of tired that going back to bed would fix anyway. With a sigh I sip more weak coffee and then I unexpectedly smile. I just remembered I get to go see the baby goats that were born yesterday. And so my day begins...
I spent hours sorting through some of my photography inventory looking for photos to have reprinted on canvas. The first two photos below come from some of my earlier work and the rest are from today.
One of the rules of trekking was to always give yaks the right of way on the trails. Human trekkers were to step aside and always, always yield to the yaks. Sometimes that meant standing on the outside of the path's edge with nothing between you and a thousand foot drop off. I can still hear the lovely tone from the bells around their necks. [Click on the yaks to read more about these beautiful creatures and to see more yak and Nepal photos.]
I opened the barn door 2nd from the right like I'd been instructed to do. The mom was familiar with me from my many visits when I came to talk to them, photograph them and pet them. Mom and Junior were the two who always came up to me, so she wasn't too stressed to have me visit. I could tell by her eyes though that she was protective and was watching every move I made because of her newborns. I didn't get to hold the babies yet or be in the pen with them. I had to shoot through slats and it was dark in the barn.
I excitedly await the day when I can play with them and have a real photo shoot! Twins!! How wonderful! (I clobbered the heck out of my lower lip squeezing in a tight spot to get a decent shot. My lip looks those ads targeting women who want the puffy lips!)