A storm rolled in last night and I could hear the waves crashing all night long. The sea brought a dozen or so new logs to shore between yesterday and today. I love to see the changes to the beach after each storm passes.
It's not raining, but the wind is strong and the waves are fierce. I LOVE IT. I really, really love it. The sun is shining through the clouds as I write. White caps can be seen clear to the horizon. I watched a bird get flipped into a series of three sixties.
As I write, I'm watching two seagulls stuck in the air flapping their wings against the wind's force only to stay in one place. They both gave up and landed on some logs out front where I continue to watch them. They took to the air again and got pushed backward so they fought to land again and are waiting to take flight.
The ever changing energy emanating from the sea is my lifeline as the world around me falls prey to an infestation of lies, greed, power struggles, corruption, hate, and ignorance.
Neighborhood dogs out on their own were enjoying a
walk in the wind and dips into the crashing waves.